/** * runtime.ts - Unlambda runtime. * * @author CismonX * @license MIT */ import { Char, Func, GetFuncChar, FuncS, FuncK, FuncI, FuncV, FuncC, FuncD, FuncE, FuncR, FuncRead, FuncPipe, FuncPrint, FuncComp } from './language'; /** * Concatenate two strings. */ type Concat = S1 extends string ? S2 extends string ? `${S1}${S2}` : never : never; /** * Apply a continuation to a function. */ type Continue = // The left part of application is evalutated. Cont extends ['a1', infer R, infer Cont1] ? // Function `d` delays the evaluation and stores the operand expression `F` in a promise `` `dF ``. F extends FuncD ? Continue // Evalutate the right part (the "operand") of application. : Eval // Apply the operator to the operand, both evaluated. : Cont extends ['a2', infer R, infer Cont1] ? Apply // Evaluation is completed. : [F, IO]; /** * Apply function `L` to `R`. */ type Apply = // `I` is the input string, `O` the output string, and `C` the "current character". IO extends [infer I, infer O, infer C] ? // Function `k` takes an argument `X` and returns `` `kX ``. L extends FuncK ? Continue // Function `s` takes an argument `X` and returns `` `sX ``. : L extends FuncS ? Continue // Function `i` takes an argument and returns it. : L extends FuncI ? Continue // Function `` `kX `` takes an argument, ignores it and returns `X`. : L extends ['k1', infer X] ? Continue // Function `` `sX `` takes an argument `Y` and returns ` ``sXY `. : L extends ['s1', infer X] ? Continue // Function ` ``sXY ` takes an argument `Z` and returns ``` ``XZ`YZ ```. : L extends ['s2', infer X, infer Y] ? Eval<[[X, R], [Y, R]], Cont, IO> // Function `c` takes an argument `X` and returns `` `X `` where `` is the current continuation, // or the value passed to `` if the latter is applied. : L extends FuncC ? Eval<[R, ['c1', Cont]], Cont, IO> // A continuation takes and argument `X` and jump to the point in history where function `c` was called, // making `c` returns `X`. : L extends ['c1', infer Cont1] ? Continue // Function `` `dE `` takes an argument `Y` and evaluates `E`, giving a function `X`, and returns `` `XY ``. : L extends ['d1', infer E] ? Eval<[E, R], Cont, IO> // Function `v` takes an argument and returns `v`. : L extends FuncV ? Continue // Function `.x` works like `i` with the side affect of printing a character `x`. : L extends FuncPrint ? Continue>, C]> // Function `r` is an alias for function `.<\n>` (a dot followed by a newline). : L extends FuncR ? Continue, C]> // Function `@` takes an argument `X`, read a character from input, make it the "current character", : L extends FuncRead ? I extends `${infer C1}${infer R1}` ? // returns `` `Xi `` if the character is successfully read, Eval<[R, FuncI], Cont, [R1, O, C1]> // or `` `Xv `` if not. : Eval<[R, FuncV], Cont, ['', O, '']> // Function `?x` takes an argument `X` and returns `` `Xi `` if "current character" is `x`, or `` `Xv `` if not. : L extends FuncComp ? Eval<[R, GetFuncChar extends C ? FuncI : FuncV], Cont, IO> // Function `|` takes an argument `X` and returns `` `X.x `` where `x` is the "current character", // or `` `Xv `` if there's no "current character". : L extends FuncPipe ? Eval<[R, C extends Char ? `.${C}` : FuncV], Cont, IO> // Function `e` takes an argument `X` and exits the program, pretending the evaluation result is `X`. : L extends FuncE ? [R, IO] : never : never; /** * Evalutate an expression. */ export type Eval = // Expression is a function, E extends Func ? Continue // Expression is an application, evalutate the left part (the "operator"). : E extends [infer L, infer R] ? Eval : never;