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* utils.ts
* @author CismonX <admin@cismon.net>
* @license MIT
import * as child_process from 'child_process';
import * as htmlparser from 'node-html-parser';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
* Open a prompt with two buttons, "Confirm" and "Cancel", and wait for user action.
* @param message The message to be displayed on the prompt.
* @param confirm Text to be displayed on the "Confirm" button.
* @param error Whether the prompt is shown as an error message. Default false.
* @returns Whether the user clicked the "Confirm" button.
export async function prompt(message: string, confirm: string, error = false) {
const func = error ? vscode.window.showErrorMessage : vscode.window.showInformationMessage;
return confirm === await func(message, confirm, 'Cancel');
* Execute command and fetch output.
* @param path Path to the executable file.
* @param args Arguments to be passed to the command.
* @param maxBuffer Max output buffer size.
* @returns The output data, or `undefined` if execution fails.
export function exec(path: string, args: string[], maxBuffer: number) {
return new Promise<ExecResult>(resolve => {
child_process.execFile(path, args, { maxBuffer: maxBuffer }, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
resolve({ error: stderr ? stderr : error.message });
} else {
resolve({ data: stdout, error: stderr });
* Transform and replace the `src` attribute value of all `img` elements from given HTML code using given function.
* @param htmlCode
* @param transformer
* @returns The HTML code after transformation.
export function transformHtmlImageUri(htmlCode: string, transformer: (src: string) => string) {
const dom = htmlparser.parse(htmlCode);
const elements = dom.querySelectorAll('img');
elements.forEach(element => {
const src = element.getAttribute('src');
src && element.setAttribute('src', transformer(src));
// If nothing is transformed, return the original HTML code, for better performance.
return elements.length === 0 ? htmlCode : dom.outerHTML;
* Convert line numbers to VSCode range.
* @param startLine
* @param endLine Default to `startLine`.
export function lineNumToRange(startLine: number, endLine = startLine) {
const startPosition = new vscode.Position(startLine, 0);
const endPosition = new vscode.Position(endLine, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
return new vscode.Range(startPosition, endPosition);
export function isDefined<T>(value: T | undefined): value is T {
return value !== undefined;
export type Optional<T> = T | undefined;
export type ExecResult = { data?: string, error: string };
export type Range = { start: number, end: number };