/** * context/folding_range.ts * * @author CismonX * @license MIT */ import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { FoldingRange, Range } from '../utils/types'; /** * Stores information about folding ranges for a document. */ export default class FoldingRangeContext { /** * Regex for matching subsection/section/chapter (-like) commands. */ private static nodeMatcher = new RegExp('^@(?:(subsection|unnumberedsubsec|appendixsubsec|subheading)|' + '(section|unnumberedsec|appendixsec|heading)|(chapter|unnumbered|appendix|majorheading|chapheading)) (.*)$'); /** * Get VSCode folding ranges from the context. */ get values() { return this.foldingRanges ??= this.calculateFoldingRanges(); } private foldingRanges?: FoldingRange[]; private commentRange?: Range; private headerStart?: number; private closingChapter?: number; private closingSection?: number; private closingSubsection?: number; /** * Update folding range context based on document change event. * * @param events Events describing the changes in the document. */ update(events: readonly vscode.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent[]) { if (this.foldingRanges === undefined) return false; for (const event of events) { const updatedLines = event.text.split(this.document.eol === vscode.EndOfLine.LF ? '\n' : '\r\n').length; // Clear cached folding range when line count changes. if (updatedLines !== 1 || event.range.start.line !== event.range.end.line) { this.foldingRanges = undefined; return true; } } return false; } /** * Calculate and update folding ranges for the document. * * @param start Starting line number. * @param end Ending line number. */ private calculateFoldingRanges() { this.foldingRanges = []; this.clearTemporaries(); let closingBlocks = []; let lastLine = this.document.lineCount - 1; let verbatim = false; for (let idx = lastLine; idx >= 0; --idx) { const line = this.document.lineAt(idx).text; if (!line.startsWith('@')) continue; if (!verbatim) { if (line === '@bye') { lastLine = idx; // Abort anything after `@bye`. this.foldingRanges = []; closingBlocks = []; this.clearTemporaries(); continue; } if (this.processComment(line, idx)) continue; } // Process block. if (line.startsWith('@end ')) { if (verbatim) continue; const name = line.substring(5); name === 'verbatim' && (verbatim = true); closingBlocks.push({ name: name, line: idx }); continue; } if (!verbatim && this.processNode(line, idx, lastLine)) continue; const closingBlock = closingBlocks.pop(); if (closingBlock === undefined) continue; if (line.substring(1, closingBlock.name.length + 2).trim() === closingBlock.name) { this.addRange(idx, closingBlock.line, { name: closingBlock.name }); // If `verbatim == true` goes here, this line must be the `@verbatim` line. verbatim = false; } else { closingBlocks.push(closingBlock); } } if (this.commentRange !== undefined) { this.addRange(this.commentRange.start, this.commentRange.end, { kind: vscode.FoldingRangeKind.Comment }); } return this.foldingRanges; } private processComment(lineText: string, lineNum: number) { if (!lineText.startsWith('@c')) return false; if (!lineText.startsWith(' ', 2) && !lineText.startsWith('omment ', 2)) return false; // Check for opening/closing header. if (lineText.startsWith('%**', lineText[2] === ' ' ? 3 : 9)) { if (this.headerStart === undefined) { this.headerStart = lineNum; } else { this.addRange(lineNum, this.headerStart, { kind: vscode.FoldingRangeKind.Region }); this.headerStart = undefined; } return true; } if (this.commentRange === undefined) { this.commentRange = { start: lineNum, end: lineNum }; } else if (this.commentRange.start - 1 === lineNum) { this.commentRange.start = lineNum; } else { this.addRange(this.commentRange.start, this.commentRange.end, { kind: vscode.FoldingRangeKind.Comment }); this.commentRange = undefined; } return true; } constructor(private readonly document: vscode.TextDocument) {} private processNode(lineText: string, lineNum: number, lastLineNum: number) { const result = lineText.match(FoldingRangeContext.nodeMatcher); if (result === null) return false; // Subsection level node. if (result[1] !== undefined) { this.addRange(lineNum, this.closingSubsection ?? lastLineNum, { name: result[1], detail: result[4] }); this.closingSubsection = this.getLastTextLine(lineNum - 1); return true; } // Section level node. if (result[2] !== undefined) { this.addRange(lineNum, this.closingSection ?? lastLineNum, { name: result[2], detail: result[4] }); this.closingSubsection = this.closingSection = this.getLastTextLine(lineNum - 1); return true; } // Chapter level node. if (result[3] !== undefined) { this.addRange(lineNum, this.closingChapter ?? lastLineNum, { name: result[3], detail: result[4] }); this.closingSubsection = this.closingSection = this.closingChapter = this.getLastTextLine(lineNum - 1); return true; } return false; } private getLastTextLine(lineNum: number, limit = 3) { for (let idx = lineNum; idx > lineNum - limit; --idx) { const line = this.document.lineAt(idx).text; if (line.startsWith('@node ')) return idx - 1; if (line === '') return idx; } return lineNum; } private addRange(start: number, end: number, extraArgs: { name?: string, detail?: string, kind?: vscode.FoldingRangeKind }) { (this.foldingRanges ??= []) .push(new FoldingRange(extraArgs.name ?? '', extraArgs.detail ?? '', start, end, extraArgs.kind)); } private clearTemporaries() { this.commentRange = undefined; this.headerStart = undefined; this.closingSubsection = this.closingSection = this.closingChapter = undefined; } } type ClosingBlock = { name: string, line: number };