# # Copyright (C) 2020 CismonX # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are # permitted in any medium without royalty, provided the copyright notice and # this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. # #+TITLE: Installation Guidelines ** Copy Library Code to Your Project This is the recommended way to use this library. Just copy [[file:src/ctlseqs.h][ctlseqs.h]] and [[file:src/ctlseqs.c][ctlseqs.c]] (and optionally the C++ wrapper [[file:src/ctlseqs.hh][ctlseqs.hh]]) to your project and build it alongside with other code. No precautions need to be taken, as ctlseqs has no third-party dependencies and does not require any fancy compiler flags or CPP macros. An ISO C99 and POSIX.1-2008 compliant C implementation would suffice. ** Build and Install From Source Alternatively, You may want a systemwide installation of the library and link it to your project. Some scripts are provided to help you with that. GNU Autoconf, Automake, Libtool and Autoconf Archive is required. Generate and execute configure script. There are no custom configuration options available for this library, just builtin ones. #+BEGIN_SRC shell autoreconf --install ./configure --prefix=$HOME CFLAGS='-O0 -g' #+END_SRC Compile the library source code, as well as [[file:examples][examples]] and test suites. Optionally, you can run the test suite (requires DejaGnu), install the binary and man pages to your prefix. #+BEGIN_SRC shell make && make check && make install #+END_SRC Finally, link it to your project with the ~-lctlseqs~ (or similar) flag. ** Install From a Package Manager We maintain unofficial repositories for a few package managers, so that the ctlseqs library can be installed from them. However, there is no guarantee that any of those repositories will be actively maintained in the future. *** Homebrew #+BEGIN_SRC shell brew tap CismonX/repos brew install ctlseqs #+END_SRC