PHP_ARG_ENABLE(arma, for armadillo support, [ --enable-arma Enable armadillo support]) PHP_ARG_ENABLE(arma-operators, for operator overloading support in armadillo, [ --enable-arma-operators Enable operator overloading for armadillo ], no, no) PHP_ARG_ENABLE(arma-pch, build PCH header of armadillo, [ --enable-arma-pch Enable building PCH header of armadillo ], no, no) if test "$PHP_ARMA" != "no"; then PHP_REQUIRE_CXX() # If enabled, try building pre-compiled header for armadillo. if test "$PHP_ARMA_PCH" != "no"; then CXX_INCLEDE_PATHS=($(echo | $CXX -xc++ -E -v - 2>&1 | grep -p '^ /')) PHP_INCLUDES=`php-config --includes` PCH_FILE='./build/armadillo.gch' # Note that '-D' option is valid when compiling PCH header, but not when using it. CXX_TMP_COMPILE_FLAGS="-std=c++17 -x c++-header $PHP_INCLUDES -DARMA_DONT_PRINT_ERRORS" if test -z "$PHP_DEBUG"; then CXX_TMP_COMPILE_FLAGS+=' -O2' else CXX_TMP_COMPILE_FLAGS+=' -g -O0' fi fi for TEMP_INCLUDE_DIR in "$CXX_INCLEDE_PATHS"; do ARMADILLO_HEADER_FILE=$TEMP_INCLUDE_DIR/armadillo if test -f "$ARMADILLO_HEADER_FILE"; then $CXX $CXX_TMP_COMPILE_FLAGS $TEMP_INCLUDE_DIR/armadillo -o $PCH_FILE break fi done # Include PCH file if valid. EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="-std=c++17 -DARMA_DONT_PRINT_ERRORS" CLANG_TEST_STR=`$CXX --version | grep clang` if test -f "$PCH_FILE"; then if test -n "$CLANG_TEST_STR"; then EXTRA_CXXFLAGS+=" -include-pch $PCH_FILE" # Define this only for clang, in gcc we still need the include directive. AC_DEFINE(PHP_ARMA_ENABLE_PCH, 1, [ Defined if using pre-compiled armadillo header. ]) else EXTRA_CXXFLAGS+=' -I./build' fi fi # Disable some clang warnings we don't care. if test -n "$CLANG_TEST_STR"; then EXTRA_CXXFLAGS+=' -Wno-undefined-var-template -Wno-deprecated-declarations' fi # Enable/disable operator overloading support. OPERATORS_SRC="src/" ARMA_SRC=`ls -1d src/*.cc | grep -v $OPERATORS_SRC` if test "$PHP_ARMA_OPERATORS" != "no"; then AC_DEFINE(PHP_ARMA_OPERATORS, 1, [ Defined if operator overloading is enabled for armadillo. ]) ARMA_SRC+=" $OPERATORS_SRC" fi PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(arma, $ARMA_SRC, $ext_shared, , $EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(armadillo, 1, ARMA_SHARED_LIBADD) PHP_SUBST(ARMA_SHARED_LIBADD) fi