bool * @return bool */ function all($predicate) {} /** * Returns true if at least one element matches the given predicate. * * @param callable $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return bool */ function any($predicate) {} /** * Returns a collection containing key-value pairs provided by transform function applied * to elements of the given collection. * * @param callable $transform ($value) -> Pair * @return Collection */ function associate($transform) {} /** * Populates and returns the destination collection with key-value pairs provided by transform * function applied to each element of the given collection. * * @param Collection $destination * @param callable $transform ($value) -> Pair * @return Collection */ function associateTo($destination, $transform) {} /** * Returns a collection containing the elements from the given collection indexed by the key * returned from keySelector function applied to each element. * * @param callable $key_selector ($value) -> $key * @return Collection */ function associateBy($key_selector) {} /** * Populates and returns the destination collection with key-value pairs, where key is * provided by the keySelector function applied to each element of the given collection * and value is the element itself. * * @param Collection $destination * @param callable $key_selector ($value) -> $key * @return Collection */ function associateByTo($destination, $key_selector) {} /** * Returns an average value of elements in the collection. * * @return double */ function average() {} /** * Checks if all elements in the specified collection are contained in this collection. * * @param array|Collection $other * @return bool */ function containsAll($other) {} /** * Checks if the collection contains the given key. * * @param int|string $key * @return bool */ function containsKey($key) {} /** * Check if the collection maps one or more keys to the specified value. * * @param mixed $element * @return bool */ function containsValue($element) {} /** * Returns new collection which is a copy of the original collection. * * @param int $new_size[optional] * @return Collection */ function copyOf($new_size) {} /** * Returns new collection which is a copy of range of original collection. * * @param int $from_index * @param int $num_elements * @return Collection */ function copyOfRange($from_index, $num_elements) {} /** * Returns the number of elements in this collection. * * @return int */ function count() {} /** * Returns a collection containing only distinct elements from the given collection. * * @return Collection */ function distinct() {} /** * Returns a collection containing only elements from the given collection having distinct * keys returned by the given selector function. * * @param callable $selector ($value, $key) -> $key * @return Collection */ function distinctBy($selector) {} /** * Returns a list containing all elements except first n elements. * * @param int $n * @return Collection */ function drop($n) {} /** * Returns a collection containing all elements except last n elements. * * @param int $n * @return Collection */ function dropLast($n) {} /** * Returns a collection containing all elements except last elements that satisfy * the given predicate. * * @param callable $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return Collection */ function dropLastWhile($predicate) {} /** * Returns a collection containing all elements except first elements that satisfy * the given predicate. * * @param $predicate $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return Collection */ function dropWhile($predicate) {} /** * Fills original collection with the provided value. * * @param mixed $element * @param int $from_index[optional] * @param int $num_elements[optional] * @return void */ function fill($element, $from_index, $num_elements) {} /** * Returns a collection containing only elements matching the given predicate. * * @param callable $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return Collection */ function filter($predicate) {} /** * Returns a collection containing only elements not matching the given predicate. * * @param callable $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return Collection */ function filterNot($predicate) {} /** * Appends all elements not matching the given predicate to the given destination. * * @param Collection $destination * @param callable $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return Collection */ function filterNotTo($destination, $predicate) {} /** * Appends all elements matching the given predicate to the given destination. * * @param Collection $destination * @param callable $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return Collection */ function filterTo($destination, $predicate) {} /** * Returns the first element matching the given predicate, or null if no such * element was found. * * @param callable $predicate[optional] ($value, $key) -> bool * @return mixed */ function first($predicate) {} /** * Returns a collection of all elements yielded from results of transform function * being invoked on each element of original collection. * * @param callable $transform ($value, $key) -> array|Collection * @return Collection */ function flatMap($transform) {} /** * Appends all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each element of * original collection, to the given destination. * * @param Collection $destination * @param callable $transform ($value, $key) -> array|Collection * @return Collection */ function flatMapTo($destination, $transform) {} /** * Returns a single list of all elements from all collections in the given collection. * * @return Collection */ function flatten() {} /** * Accumulates value starting with initial value and applying operation from left to * right to current accumulator value and each element. * * @param mixed $initial * @param callable $operation ($acc, $value, $key) -> $new_acc * @return mixed */ function fold($initial, $operation) {} /** * Accumulates value starting with initial value and applying operation from right to * left to each element and current accumulator value. * * @param mixed $initial * @param callable $operation ($acc, $value, $key) -> $new_acc * @return mixed */ function foldRight($initial, $operation) {} /** * Performs the given action on each element. * * @param callable $action ($value, $key) -> void * @return void */ function forEach($action) {} /** * Returns an element at the given key or the result of calling the `default` function * if the index is out of bounds of this collection. * * @param int|string $key * @param callable $default[optional] ($key) -> $value * @return Collection */ function get($key, $default) {} /** * Groups values returned by the value_transform function applied to each element of the * original collection by the key returned by the given key_selector function applied to the element * and returns a collection where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values. * * @param callable $key_selector ($value, $key) -> $new_key * @param callable $value_transform[optional] ($value) -> $new_value * @return Collection */ function groupBy($key_selector, $value_transform) {} /** * Groups values returned by the value_transform function applied to each element of the original * collection by the key returned by the given key_selector function applied to the element and * puts to the destination collection each group key associated with a list of corresponding values. * * @param Collection $destination * @param callable $key_selector ($value, $key) -> $new_key * @param callable $value_transform[optional] ($value) -> $new_value * @return Collection */ function groupByTo($destination, $key_selector, $value_transform) {} /** * Returns first key of element, or null if the collection does not contain element. * * @param mixed $element * @return int|string|null */ function indexOf($element) {} /** * Returns key of the first element matching the given predicate, or null if the collection * does not contain such element. * * @param callable $predicate[optional] ($value) -> bool * @return int|string|null */ function indexOfFirst($predicate) {} /** * Returns key of the last element matching the given predicate, or null if the collection * does not contain such element. * * @param callable $predicate[optional] ($value) -> bool * @return int|string|null */ function indexOfLast($predicate) {} /** * Initialize collection with given data. * * @param array|Collection $elements[optional] * @return Collection */ static function init($elements) {} /** * Returns a collection containing all elements that are contained by both this collection and the * specified collection. * * @param array|Collection $other */ function intersect($other) {} /** * Returns true if the collection is empty. * * @return bool */ function isEmpty() {} /** * Returns true if the collection is not empty. */ function isNotEmpty() {} /** * Return a collection of all keys in the collection. * * @return Collection */ function keys() {} /** * Returns the last element matching the given predicate, or null if no such * element was found. * * @param callable $predicate[optional] ($value, $key) -> bool * @return mixed */ function last($predicate) {} /** * Returns a collection containing the results of applying the given transform function * to each element in the original collection. * * @param callable $transform ($value, $key) -> Pair * @return Collection */ function map($transform) {} /** * Returns a new collection with entries having the keys obtained by applying the transform function * to each keys and values of this collection. * * @param callable $transform ($value, $key) -> $new_key * @return Collection */ function mapKeys($transform) {} /** * Populates the given destination collection with entries having the keys obtained by applying the * transform function to each keys and values of this collections. * * @param Collection $destination * @param callable $transform ($value, $key) -> $new_key * @return Collection */ function mapKeysTo($destination, $transform) {} /** * Applies the given transform function to each element of the original collection and appends the * results to the given destination. * * @param Collection $destination * @param callable $transform ($value, $key) -> Pair * @return Collection */ function mapTo($destination, $transform) {} /** * Returns a new collection with entries having the keys of this collection and the values obtained * by applying the transform function to each entry in this collection. * * @param callable $transform ($value, $key) -> $new_value * @return Collection */ function mapValues($transform) {} /** * Populates the given destination collection with entries having the keys of this collection and * the values obtained by applying the transform function to each entry in this collection. * * @param Collection $destination * @param callable $transform ($value, $key) -> $new_value * @return Collection */ function mapValuesTo($destination, $transform) {} /** * Returns the largest element or null if there are no elements. The collection should contain * only one type of numeric elements(int/double). * * @return mixed */ function max() {} /** * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or null if * there are no elements. * * @param callable $selector ($value, $key) -> $new_value * @return mixed */ function maxBy($selector) {} /** * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided comparator or * null if there are no elements. * * @param callable $comparator ($value_1, $value_2, $key_1, $key_2) -> int * @return mixed */ function maxWith($comparator) {} /** * Returns the largest element or null if there are no elements. The collection should contain * only one type of numeric elements(int/double). * * @return mixed */ function min() {} /** * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or null if * there are no elements. * * @param callable $selector ($value, $key) -> $new_value * @return mixed */ function minBy($selector) {} /** * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided comparator or * null if there are no elements. * * @param callable $comparator ($value_1, $value_2, $key_1, $key_2) -> int * @return mixed */ function minWith($comparator) {} /** * Returns a list containing all key-value pairs of the original collection except the ones contained * in the given elements collection. * * @param array|Collection $elements * @return Collection */ function minus($elements) {} /** * Removes all key-value pairs contained in the given collection from this collection. * * @param array|Collection $elements * @return void */ function minusAssign($elements) {} /** * Returns a collection containing all entries of the original collection except those entries * the keys of which are contained in the given keys collection. * * @param array|Collection $keys * @return Collection */ function minusKeys($keys) {} /** * Removes all entries the keys of which are contained in the given keys collection from this * collection. * * @param array|Collection $keys * @return void */ function minusKeysAssign($keys) {} /** * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection except the elements contained * in the given elements collection. * * @param array|Collection $elements * @return Collection */ function minusValues($elements) {} /** * Removes all elements contained in the given elements collection from this collection. * * @param array|Collection $elements * @return void */ function minusValuesAssign($elements) {} /** * Returns true if no elements match the given predicate. * * @param callable $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return bool */ function none($predicate) {} /** * This method is implemented in handlers.unset_dimension. * There's no method with name 'offsetUnset'. * * @internal */ function offsetUnset($key) {} /** * This method is implemented in handlers.write_dimension. * There's no method with name 'offsetSet'. * * @internal */ function offsetSet($key, $value) {} /** * This method is implemented in handlers.read_dimension. * There's no method with name 'offsetGet'. * * @internal */ function offsetGet($key) {} /** * This method is implemented in handlers.has_dimension. * There's no method with name 'offsetExists'. * * @internal */ function offsetExists($key) {} /** * Performs the given action on each element and returns the collection itself afterwards. * * @param callable $action ($value, $key) -> void * @return Collection */ function onEach($action) {} /** * Splits the original collection into pair of collections, where first collection contains * elements for which predicate yielded true, while second collection contains elements for * which predicate yielded false. * * @param callable $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return Pair */ function partition($predicate) {} /** * Creates a new collection by replacing or adding entries to this collection from a given * collection of key-value pairs. * * @param array|Collection $elements * @return Collection */ function plus($elements) {} /** * Appends or replaces all pairs from the given collection of pairs in this collection. * * @param array|Collection $elements * @return void */ function plusAssign($elements) {} /** * Returns a collection containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements * of the given elements collection. * * @param array|Collection $elements * @return Collection */ function plusValues($elements) {} /** * Adds all elements of the given elements collection to this collection. * * @param array|Collection $elements * @return void */ function plusValuesAssign($elements) {} /** * Puts all the elements of the given collection into this collection. * * @param array|Collection $elements * @return void */ function putAll($elements) {} /** * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying operation from left to right to * current accumulator value and each element. * * @param $operation ($acc, $value, $key) -> $new_acc * @return mixed */ function reduce($operation) {} /** * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying operation from right to left to * each element and current accumulator value. * * @param $operation ($acc, $value, $key) -> $new_acc * @return mixed */ function reduceRight($operation) {} /** * Removes the entry for the specified key only if it is currently mapped to the specified value. * * @param int|string $key * @param mixed $value[optional] * @return bool */ function remove($key, $value) {} /** * Removes all elements from this collection that match the given predicate. If predicate is not * provided, all elements will be removed. * * @param callable $predicate[optional] ($value, $key) -> bool * @return void */ function removeAll($predicate) {} /** * Retains only elements of this collection that match the given predicate. * * @param callable $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return void */ function retainAll($predicate) {} /** * Reverses elements in the collection in-place. * * @return void */ function reverse() {} /** * Returns a collection with elements in reversed order. * * @return Collection */ function reversed() {} /** * Add a key-value pair to the array. If the key exists, update it. * * @param int|string $key * @param mixed $value * @return void */ function set($key, $value) {} /** * Randomly shuffles elements in this collection. * * @return Collection */ function shuffle() {} /** * Returns the single element matching the given predicate, or null if there is no or more than * one matching element. * * @param callable $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return mixed */ function single($predicate) {} /** * Returns a list containing elements at specified keys. * * @param array|Collection $keys */ function slice($keys) {} /** * Sorts the collection in-place according to the natural order of its elements. * * @return void */ function sort() {} /** * Sorts elements in the collection in-place according to natural sort order of the value returned * by specified selector function. * * @param callable $selector ($value, $key) -> $new_value * @return void */ function sortBy($selector) {} /** * Sorts elements in the collection in-place descending according to natural sort order of the * value returned by specified selector function. * * @param callable $selector ($value, $key) -> $new_value * @return void */ function sortByDescending($selector) {} /** * Sorts elements in the collection in-place descending according to their natural sort order. * * @return void */ function sortDescending() {} /** * Sorts elements in the collection in-place according to the order specified with comparator. * * @param callable $comparator ($value_1, $value_2, $key_1, $key_2) -> int * @return void */ function sortWith($comparator) {} /** * Returns a collection of all elements sorted according to their natural sort order. * * @return Collection */ function sorted() {} /** * Returns a collection of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the * value returned by specified selector function. * * @param callable $selector ($value, $key) -> $new_value * @return Collection */ function sortedBy($selector) {} /** * Returns a collection of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order * of the value returned by specified selector function. * * @param callable $selector ($value, $key) -> $new_value * @return Collection */ function sortedByDescending($selector) {} /** * Returns a collection of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order. * * @param callable $selector ($value, $key) -> $new_value * @return Collection */ function sortedDescending($selector) {} /** * Returns a collection of all elements sorted according to the specified comparator. * * @param callable $comparator ($value_1, $value_2, $key_1, $key_2) -> int * @return Collection */ function sortedWith($comparator) {} /** * Returns a collection containing first n elements. * * @param int $n * @return Collection */ function take($n) {} /** * Returns a list containing last n elements. * * @param int $n * @return Collection */ function takeLast($n) {} /** * Returns a collection containing last elements satisfying the given predicate. * * @param $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return Collection */ function takeLastWhile($predicate) {} /** * Returns a collection containing first elements satisfying the given predicate. * * @param $predicate ($value, $key) -> bool * @return Collection */ function takeWhile($predicate) {} /** * Returns the array wrapped by this collection. * * @return array */ function toArray() {} /** * Appends all elements to the given destination collection. * * @param Collection $destination * @return Collection */ function toCollection($destination) {} /** * Convert collection to a collection of pairs with keys being first and values being second. * * @return Collection */ function toPairs() {} /** * Returns a collection containing all distinct elements from both collections. * * @param array|Collection $other */ function union($other) {} /** * Return a collection of all values of the collection. * * @return Collection */ function values() {} }